Monday, October 12, 2009

Day 48 P3 1st3 Didn't weigh today

I am going to start doing exercise. I am excited to start incorporating sugar and starch next week. I started back on skim milk. I am having some bloating. Maybe my system isn't used to the dairy after not having it for so long. I am going to keep an eye on this.

I am making a goal to lose at least a pound a week during this phase. If I am successful with this, then perhaps I'll just keep going with that and not do a second round, but for now I am still planning on it.

Day 47 P3 1st3 156.0


I gained a little, but this is my maintenance phase. I am supposed to be staying around 157.0, my ending weight at the end of round 1. So, I am happy.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Day 44 P3 1st3 154.4 lbs. 33.7% Body Fat

154.4 lbs.

33.7% Body Fat

I am actually losing a little bit during maintenance. I think that's because I'm doing the strict low carb thing.

I am testing my protein in the urine. I am almost reaching borderline bad for you level. I will keep an eye on that. I tested for ketosis, and yes, that is still a go.

I am feeling great! My clothes are loose! I will get pictures up soon. I am just way too busy right now!!

Day 42 P3 1st3 157.2

157.2 lbs.

P3 1st3 = Phase 3 1st 3 weeks of maintenance

I went out of town for a week-ish. I have maintained my loss. I am very happy about that.

I am doing sort of an Atkins Phase 1 approach. The HCG protocol calls for eating only protein, veggies, fruit, and fat. I am trying not to go crazy on the fat. Also, I am not eating processed or cured meats.