Saturday, January 23, 2010

End of HCG and on to Low Carb

This is the end of my HCG ride. I didn't realize that I didn't have enough drops for another 3 weeks, only a week.

I didn't lose all my weight, but the HCG helped me to get half way there. What I wanted from the beginning was to see some real progress to keep me motivated to continue losing weight. Well, I'd say losing almost exactly 30 lbs. did the trick. I am so excited to continue this journey on my own. But, I'm also so excited to just be done with the HCG diet. It was so hard and boring. But, it was very worth it. This extreme way of doing things fit my personality. I have trouble with moderation and consistency. Now I get to put my own will and determination to the test.

So, for the next 3 weeks, I am doing strict low carb. I want my body to stay adjusted to this new weight level. I will get to my goal of 115 this year. It's going to happen.

R3 Day 5 VLCD 145.4 lbs.

145.4 lbs.

32.9% Body Fat

Yay!!! Almost exactly 30 lbs. lost!! I am so excited to get to the 130s soon.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

R3 Day 4 VLCD 147.2 lbs.

147.2 lbs.

So, a 2 oz. loss. Bummer. But, at least, I'm going downhill. I feel really good. 5 pounds in 3 days isn't bad at all!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

R3 Day 3 VLCD 147.4 lbs.

147.4 lbs.

33.4% Body Fat

38" around my hips

From Dec. 19, 2009 to Jan. 2, 2010 I took a break. I didn't go crazy, but I went from 149.8 to about 155. Then I started again. I went from Jan. 3 to Jan. 10. I went from 155 to 146.8. But, then it was my birthday on Jan. 11. I thought I was going to take a day off, but I ended up taking a week off. I went back up to 152.2.

So, I started again. Since Round 2 after Thanksgiving was about the length of a short cycle, I am just calling this new start Round 3. I have about enough drops left for at least 30 days. There is nothing to tempt me until Valentine's Day, so this is a good time to get moving.

In 3 days, I have gone from 152.2 to 147.4. That feels pretty dang good!!! I will be in the 130s by the end of this month!!! Yay!!! I haven't been there since 2001. I am so excited!!! I'm tellin' ya, the key is the water!!!!!

Oh, my new favorite spice combo to cook with is garam marsala. Totally awesome!!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

R2 Day 22 VLCD 149.8 lbs.

149.8 lbs.

Yay! It was fun to see the 140s. However, yesterday was the family Christmas party. I decided to have very small portions of the food. I had too much to do for the party to take time to make my HCG food. I will probably have a slight weight gain, but it won't be too bad.

I am going out of town the next 4 days. I have decided to do strict low carb while I am out of town. It's hard to travel and do the HCG diet. I will get right back on it when I return. I have 1 bottle of drops left. I will just keep going until it's done.

Have a great holiday!!!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Average lbs. lost per week since Aug. 24

As of today, Dec. 17, 2009, I have been on this journey for 115 days or 16.42 weeks. My average lb./week weight loss since August 24, 2009 is . . . 1.47 lbs./week. Not bad.

R2 Day 20 VLCD 150.8 lbs.

150.8 lbs.

I have been on a plateau. Not sure what the culprit is other than I may not be drinking enough water. I am finding it hard to get all my water in. Hopefully I am on my way to the 140s soon!!