Tuesday, January 19, 2010

R3 Day 3 VLCD 147.4 lbs.

147.4 lbs.

33.4% Body Fat

38" around my hips

From Dec. 19, 2009 to Jan. 2, 2010 I took a break. I didn't go crazy, but I went from 149.8 to about 155. Then I started again. I went from Jan. 3 to Jan. 10. I went from 155 to 146.8. But, then it was my birthday on Jan. 11. I thought I was going to take a day off, but I ended up taking a week off. I went back up to 152.2.

So, I started again. Since Round 2 after Thanksgiving was about the length of a short cycle, I am just calling this new start Round 3. I have about enough drops left for at least 30 days. There is nothing to tempt me until Valentine's Day, so this is a good time to get moving.

In 3 days, I have gone from 152.2 to 147.4. That feels pretty dang good!!! I will be in the 130s by the end of this month!!! Yay!!! I haven't been there since 2001. I am so excited!!! I'm tellin' ya, the key is the water!!!!!

Oh, my new favorite spice combo to cook with is garam marsala. Totally awesome!!


  1. I think you are right about the water. I noticed that too. Keep it up girl, can't wait to go shopping with you in March, and have lotso fun doing whatever.

  2. Yay!!! I'm so excited for us!! Our March fun outing will be awesome! Keep up the good work!
